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13/04 - In concert with Pieter’s Angels, work by Beethoven and Prokofiev

             Emile van Leenen Piano’s & Vleugels

             Leiden, The Neherlands

16/04 - Chamber Music Festival of Royal Conservatoire

             With Coraline Groen (violin), Juriaan Klapwijk (viola) & Alexis Bove (cello)

             G. Fauré Piano Quartet Op.15

             The Hague, The Netherlands


28/04 - In concert with Ledion Zhupali

             Works by Brahms, Scarlatti & Schubert

             Marison Gaspard, 15:30

             The Hague, The Netherlands


           - Piano Department’s Concert Royal Conservatoire

             A. Schönberg Zaal, Royal Conservatoire

             The Hague, The Netherlands


16/06 - Bachelor Final Recital

             Works by Scarlatti, Schubert, Chopin, Fauré and Berg

             With Coraline Groen (violin), Jurriaan Klapwijk (viola) & Alexis Bove (cello)

             A. Schönberg Zaal, Royal Conservatoire, 15:30

             The Hague, The Netherlands


10/09 - Concert with works by Nico Richter (including Dutch composer Diepenbrock)

             Amsterdam, The Netherlands


19/11 - In concert with Nina van Essen

             Works by Donizetti, Gounod, Haydn and Scarlatti


             Utrecht, The Netherlands


27/11 - In concert with Helmi Verhoeven

             Works by Pepusch, Puccini, Saint-Saëns, Scarlatti and J. Strauss


             Voorburg, The Netherlands


30/11 - In concert with Nina van Essen

             Pre-programme in concert series ‘Great Singers’

             Songs by H. Wolf

             Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ

             Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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